Naked Biochar

Naked Biochar is a premium horticultural grade product

Biochar Naked is a premium horticultural grade product that has been specially formulated to improve soil blends, composts and worm farms.
It is manufactured in audited, quality controlled facilities to ensure that the particle characteristics are suitable for horticultural applications. Naked Biochar enhances soil structure by reducing bulk density, increasing porosity, water holding capacity (boosting drought tolerance) increasing ion exchange capacity and sweetening the soil.
Naked Biochar is ideal for boosting composts, worms & organic fertilisers, but should not be used directly into soils. Why? Because it must be precharged with nutrients and microbes. If you want a biochar that is ready to use immediately, then you need Biochar Active. The increased water holding capacity provided boosts drought tolerance, which is especially useful for potted plants.